Liposomal vitamin with the power of ancient turmeric
Liposomal vitamin with the power of ancient turmeric
The 50 main components of Curcumin are turmeric, a medicinal herb used in ancient Indian medicine for centuries, the positive effects of which have also been discovered by modern medicine. Effective anti-inflammatory and excellent antioxidant.
The use of curcumin is recommended for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, as it can influence the functioning of substances that play a key role in the processes of inflammation, and thanks to its antioxidant effect, it can increase the protection of cells against oxidative stress. Try the only anti-inflammatory liposomal vitamin on the market!
It is recommended to use:
- In case of respiratory inflammation caused by allergies
- To alleviate rheumatic complaints
- In case of diabetes and the risk of its development
Ingredients: 50 mg liposomal curcumin turmeric extract
Curcumin from turmeric extract: Curcumin, i.e. the extract made from turmeric, is considered a promising active ingredient in the complementary treatment of inflammatory diseases. It dissolves well in fat, so it is worth taking at the same time as eating foods containing fat. It also has an antioxidant effect, but this is not considered its most important property, although it also contributes to the relief of the body. Curcumin also inhibits the production of inflammatory prostaglandins and leukotrenes, which are formed from omega-6 fatty acids, and thromboxane, which causes blood clots.
Choose the innovative solution of liposome technology available in allergen-free, vegan, recycled packaging! Order today!
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Gyakran ismételt kérdések
Mi a liposzóma?
Mikroszkópikus méretű, 20-30 nm átmérőjű foszfolipid kettős membránnal rendelkező gömbszerű, belülről üreges részecske, ami nagy hatékonysággal képes a hatóanyagokat a célsejthez vagy célszövethez szállítani.
Hogyan működik? Miért hatékony a liposzómás technológia?
Nanotechnológiás eljárás segítségével a hatóanyagokat liposzómákba zárják, így minimalizálják az emésztőrendszerbe jutás során fellépő bomlás miatti veszteséget. A célsejthez való eljutáskor a liposzóma összekapcsolódik a sejtmembránnal így közel 100% a biohasznosulás. A technológia segítségével nagymértékben csökkenthető az egyéb szervek (pl. máj) terhelése is.